Ordinations | December 2019


Deacon Adib Salameh

Bishop Gregory J. Mansour ordained Adib Salameh to the order of Deacon on 8 November 2019, for service in the Eparchy of St. Maron of Brooklyn. Hosted by Our Lady of Lebanon Maronite Seminary, the ordination took place at the nearby Our Lady of Lebanon Church. Many Maronites came from afar including Massachusetts and New York to celebrate this joyful event. Adib was presented to Bishop Gregory by Msgr. Peter Azar, Seminary Rector, and was led in procession with the Epistles of St. Paul and the Censer by Msgr. James A. Root and Rev. Armando El Khoury. Following the ordination, we gathered for a Middle Eastern dinner and an evening of fellowship. 

Adib traveled a long distance from Lebanon to serve the Maronite Church in America. His example of leaving everything behind and following the Lord’s call encompasses the true meaning of the diaconate which is “to serve and not to be served” (Mt 20:28). Pope Francis explains in Gaudete et exultate (n.1): “the call to holiness is present in various ways from the very first pages of the Bible. We see it expressed in the Lord’s words to Abraham: ‘Walk before me and be blameless’ (Gen 17:1).” Adib will conclude his theological studies at The Catholic University of America and then serve at a Maronite parish as a deacon before ordination. May he be a genuine witness of Christ’s love to the Maronite churches in the United States.

Subdeacon Ordination | San Antonio, TX

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On Sunday, 6 October, three members of St. George parish, Raymond Dustin, Joseph Harb, and Ernest Karam, were ordained to the minor orders of cantor, lector, and subdeacon by Bishop Elias Zaidan at the 11 am Divine Liturgy.  Families, friends, and parishioners were all present to participate in the liturgy and extend their support.  

Father Charles Khachan, MLM, pastor, presented the three men to the Bishop. He was assisted by Father Khachan, Father Milad Yaghi, Father Tony Massad, Deacon Thomas Billimek and Deacon Michael Shami.  As Bishop Elias conferred the orders, he explained both the purpose of the various roles and the meaning and symbolism of each part of the rite so that everyone could appreciate the roles and responsibilities each man was assuming.

When the new subdeacons were asked what motivated them to pursue the subdiaconate, all three answered that it was a process of discernment of the will of God for their lives; a movement of the Holy Spirit within, inviting them to go deeper in their faith journey.  For each one, the example of living faith from family members and priests they encountered led them to reflect on how they could best serve God and the Church.  The process of preparation for ordination to the subdiaconate highlighted and emphasized to them the monastic origins of the Maronite Church and the unique aspects of Maronite spirituality.   Family support was a crucial factor throughout their journey to ordination and it was this support and encouragement that sustained them on their journey of preparation for ordination.

In addition to the ordination of the three subdeacons, Bishop Zaidan installed four new permanent members of the Order of St. Sharbel at the liturgy.  Candyce and Larry Monsour, Toufic Khalife, and Jose Fernandez committed themselves to fulfilling the purpose of the Order of St. Sharbel – to contribute to the support of the priests and to pray for them.  It was especially fitting that both ceremonies occurred during the liturgy, giving evidence of the relationship of all the members of the Church in sustaining each other and fulfilling the mission of evangelizing those with whom we live and work and pray.

Following the ordination liturgy, a festive luncheon reception for the new subdeacons, their families, friends and parishioners was held in the Phoenician Ballroom.

Ordination of Subdeacon George Younes | St. Maron Church | Minneapolis, MN

By Chorbishop Sharbel Maroun

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A solitary wood chair sat in stark contrast to the beautifully decorated cream marble altar. The day was Sunday, 13 October 2019 in Minneapolis, Minnesota – ordination Sunday for George Younes, soon to be Subdeacon George. Fathers Bechara Awada and Anthony Salim concelebrated the Divine Liturgy with Chorbishop Sharbel Maroun along with Deacon Jim Marschall of All Saint Church and Subdeacons James Farhat and Gabe Gubash.

George patiently sat in the simple wood chair. His second-grade son, Thomas, was poised and clear-voiced as he delivered the reading. George’s wife, Susan, their four children, and siblings carried the offerings. George’s children perfectly delivered the intercessions and his eldest daughter, seventh-grade Rebecca, soloed a delightful hymn.

Finally, the time arrived for the solemn ordination. Chorbishop Sharbel snipped George’s hair in corner points of a cross before he blessed the candidate as Cantor. Father Awada processed with Cantor George who carried the bible before him. 

Next, George received blessings as a lector and was processed by Father Anthony Salim. George was redressed from black jibbee to a white alb. He was fitted with the embroidered light blue stole once worn by Chorbishop Sharbel at his own lector ordination. During the procession, George’s sister, Annette, delivered The Lord Is My Shepherd in her beautifully-trained soprano voice.

Lastly, George received the ordination for subdeacon. The light blue simple stole was replaced with a gorgeously crafted subdeacon stole. Led by the cross and candles, George once again processed around the nave with Father Awada. He opened the doors and rang a bell, symbol of his new responsibility. He read a passage from the scripture, as he did in the two previous ordinations, as he raised a lit candle.  George received sacred blessings at the altar, received Holy Communion, and offered the Holy Eucharist to his wife, family, and community for the first time. 

The Divine Liturgy was followed by a beautiful celebration and delicious meal provided by the parish.